A Time For Change

UPDATE September 19, 2024 - It does not seem that long since I typed the statement below on March 17, 2021. But here I am again. I am once again giving someone else the opportunity to take over the Woolwrights website. It has been one of my favorite things to do over the 15 year period. I have absolutely loved taking all these photos and writing the articles. I will still be hooking and taking photos. I have had great opportunities and memories over my time in the rug hooking world, making friends all over the country, and learning all kinds of new ways to add interest to a rug.
People quite often over the years have told me that I am never in the photo and that is because I like to be behind the photo, but I will share one with you now. Thanks again to all my friends that have given me inspiration and support in all these beautiful days. But more than anything thank you to my husband and our family for their support forever. - Deb Burcin
People quite often over the years have told me that I am never in the photo and that is because I like to be behind the photo, but I will share one with you now. Thanks again to all my friends that have given me inspiration and support in all these beautiful days. But more than anything thank you to my husband and our family for their support forever. - Deb Burcin
March 17, 2021 - It is a new year. It has been a long, hard year for our group with not being able to see one another because of Covid-19. But things are beginning to look up and spring is almost here and we we look forward to the future. As time goes along, things must change and grow and it is always good to have new inspiration and new eyes that view the world in a different way.
So today is the day for new views and thoughts to represent the Woolwrights. This has been a difficult choice for me to make because working on this website since 2009 has just been one of the best experiences and benefits of rughooking. I want thank all members of the Woolwrights and our followers for supporting the work that has been done for our site because none of this would have been possible without your support and cooperation over the last 11 years. I have loved working on this project. - Deb Burcin