Traditional Rug Hooking
in Lancaster County

- The Woolwrights were certified in 2006 as Chapter 110 of ATHA, the Association of Traditional Hooking Artists. Our mission is to provide a venue for rughooking education and to develop the skills of our members in this traditional craft. Our members share information, ideas, and techniques among themselves and with other rughooking guilds, as well as sponsor local workshops and participate in area fiber arts exhibitions.
The Woolwrights meet from 10 AM - 2 PM on the 2nd Friday of each month at Saint Edward's Episcopal Church, 2453 Harrisburg Pike, Lancaster, PA 17601.
We invite you to come and meet new friends, ask questions, and see the exceptional talents of rughookers from all walks of life. We have members who have been rughooking for decades and members who have just begun.
The Woolwrights Rug Hooking Guild has four goals:
- Promoting rug hooking
- Maintaining high standards and creativity in the art of rug hooking
- Exchanging ideas and information among members
- Promoting educational activities to improve the quality of traditional rug hooking
So please be mindful of your words and gentle in your humor, seeking to encourage and uplift at all times.