Penny Rugs:
When making penny rugs, draw patterns on freezer paper and iron, shiny side down, on top of wool. The freezer paper pattern is then reusable many times. EVERYDAY TIPS This is a good tip for the upcoming winter and dry skin: Use coconut oil to keep your skin soft and moisturized during the dry weather. Coconut oil can be bought in the baking department of any grocery store or Costco. It looks like Crisco, but is hard. You put a tablespoon or so in your hands and rub your hands together and then apply to your dry skin. No more itchiness. This has been put to the test by quite a few of us from our group and it works! To Keep Flies Out of Your Garage: Put a few pennies in a baggie and fill the baggie with water. Then attach the baggie to your door knob with a rubber band. I know this sounds crazy, but it worked all summer for me. How to clean your showers & glass windows/walls in the shower to look like new: Mix together a combination of vinegar and blue Dawn dishwashing liquid in a spray bottle. This will clean the calcium and other minerals off the walls of your shower and glass. Scrub your walls and glass with a non-abrasive rag or scrubby. Fill a baggie with vinegar and put the baggie around your faucets or shower head to dissolve the sediment. Leave the baggie on all day. You can also use blue Dawn dishwashing liquid on stains on clothing before adding them to your wash. Vinegar and a small amount of eco-friendly household soap cleans wood floors beautifully. Add a small amount of vinegar to the rinse container in your washer to soften clothes. I think this is the very best tip and I won't say who it came from, but...... invite your friends over later in the day when it is getting just a little darker or even on a dreary, rainy day. They won't notice the dust in your house nearly as much as if the sun is shining! But then again, if they are true friends, they don't care if your house is a little dusty, right? |