2017 ATHA Biennial in Cleveland, Ohio
The 2017 ATHA Biennial was held in Cleveland, Ohio, and approximately twelve members of the Woolwrights were able to attend. We were able to meet old friends and make new ones from all over the United States. The Woolwrights participated in many events during the week, ie. helping set up the rug show, taking tours, taking workshops, attending meetings, a river cruise, and as always, shopping. We rocked and rolled at the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. We all did our part of hooking in a community rug which turned out to be beautiful by the end of the biennial. We had a great week and we have photos to show from our adventures during the biennial. Some of us also were able to attend the "Hooked in the Valley" event in Wooster, Ohio, which had great vendors and excellent food. (Thanks to Woolwright members for submitting photos for the website.) We hope you enjoy our photos!