2011 ATHA BIENNIAL IN LANCASTER COUNTY After all the waiting, the hard work, the planning, long hours, and meetings, the 2011 ATHA Biennial was held in Lancaster, PA, from October 19 through October 22. It was a great success! We had the greatest number of registrants ever to attend a biennial. We had a wonderful venue to show rugs, attend classes, meet new friends and old friends, have a very successful auction, take tours, and, of course, and not the least, to shop! We even had two caricaturists at the biennial to draw your portrait. The Lancaster County Woolwrights and Region 2 would like to thank everyone for your support of the biennial whether you were working, volunteering, making donations for the auction, adding to our flock of sheep, teaching classes, staying for week, or just coming for the day. It was great to have everyone in Lancaster County.
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