Words of Wisdom...
Definition of Wisdom: understanding, knowledge, sense, insight, perception,
astuteness, intelligence, acumen, prudence, sagacity.
I think that everyone of us, regardless of how we learned or were taught
rughooking, has our own feeling of what hooking means to us. If you would
happen to meet a brand new hooker just starting out with this adventure, what
would your "words of wisdom" be?
1. Each hooking day is a learning experience so, enjoy and create. - Carolyn
2. Reach for the stars and anything is doable, no matter how big or involved. - Sharon
3. Relax and have fun. (That goes for old hookers also.) - Joyce
4. You will look at the world through different eyes once you become a hooker. - Nancy
5. Join a guild and get on The Welcome Mat. - Ellen
6. For most hooking supplies... beg, borrow, share, rent...TRY before you buy! - Rhonda
7. Let your imagination be your own. - Vickie
8. Avoid packing the loops. Once that habit is acquired it is difficult to break it. Relax and enjoy the process.
Join others for sharing and friendship. - Mary Lynne
9. Just do it!!! Everything will fall into place and you will learn as you go. Be fearless! - Connie
10. Find a mentor who would allow her/him to try their hooks and frames before they purchase anything. - Carole
11. Try not to be intimidated by all the talent you see at first. We all started in the same place, and look how people have developed their style and found talent they never knew they had. - Bonnie
More to come....
Definition of Wisdom: understanding, knowledge, sense, insight, perception,
astuteness, intelligence, acumen, prudence, sagacity.
I think that everyone of us, regardless of how we learned or were taught
rughooking, has our own feeling of what hooking means to us. If you would
happen to meet a brand new hooker just starting out with this adventure, what
would your "words of wisdom" be?
1. Each hooking day is a learning experience so, enjoy and create. - Carolyn
2. Reach for the stars and anything is doable, no matter how big or involved. - Sharon
3. Relax and have fun. (That goes for old hookers also.) - Joyce
4. You will look at the world through different eyes once you become a hooker. - Nancy
5. Join a guild and get on The Welcome Mat. - Ellen
6. For most hooking supplies... beg, borrow, share, rent...TRY before you buy! - Rhonda
7. Let your imagination be your own. - Vickie
8. Avoid packing the loops. Once that habit is acquired it is difficult to break it. Relax and enjoy the process.
Join others for sharing and friendship. - Mary Lynne
9. Just do it!!! Everything will fall into place and you will learn as you go. Be fearless! - Connie
10. Find a mentor who would allow her/him to try their hooks and frames before they purchase anything. - Carole
11. Try not to be intimidated by all the talent you see at first. We all started in the same place, and look how people have developed their style and found talent they never knew they had. - Bonnie
More to come....